PinnedTaken down the drainHow many times have you ever listened to some “fast-food thoughts”, as I like to call them, and gobbled them up in one bite? More than any…May 25, 20233May 25, 20233
PinnedAFTER FORTYI recently passed the age of forty. Today, I’m forty-three. I think I avoided that traditional post about turning forty out of fear. Fear…Nov 9, 20235Nov 9, 20235
PinnedVISITORSOur lives are a lot like the life cycle of a tree: we are born, we grow, we bloom, we bear fruit, and finally we die. As much as we human…Nov 29, 2023Nov 29, 2023
PinnedCHASING BUTTERFLIES“I’m going to be rich!” Perhaps this is the greatest illusion that human beings can believe in…Nov 21, 2023Nov 21, 2023
GLUTTONYFrom the moment he could reach for a cookie jar, Peter was the embodiment of gluttony. It wasn’t just a habit — it was his identity. At…Feb 11Feb 11
HACKERS REVIEWHackers, directed by Iain Softley and released in 1995, is a cult classic that has endured as a fascinating time capsule of mid-90s…Feb 11Feb 11
Why Women Are So Incredible: The Multifaceted Tapestry of FemininityWomen have been the muse of poets, the subject of philosophers, and the inspiration for countless works of art, literature, and science…Feb 11Feb 11
THE IMITATION GAMEIt’s inevitable: we are thrown into a game of imitation from the very moment we are born. We are supposed to imitate our parents, siblings…Dec 17, 2024Dec 17, 2024
JUST FOR FUNI don’t have to search far into my memory to remember when I used to play with paper and wooden boats in the stream that formed on my…Oct 14, 2024Oct 14, 2024