J.R. Silva
2 min readJul 30, 2024


Writing for money? No, thanks.

I get it. We have to monetize everything if we are to make a living out of it. It’s cruel but necessary, according to the money moguls. But what if there is another way?

From my perspective, every creator — whether a writer, poet, painter, sculptor or any other artist — faces the hardest path in trying to live from their art. They are fighting an uphill battle when it should be downhill. Artists strive to make their work known and respected. But how can anyone buy your work if it lacks quality? A good artist understands that their work must be excellent to be in demand. Instead of focusing on marketing or selling your work online, you must ensure you have a good piece of art in your hands.

This scenario has happened and will continue to happen: an artist begins creating a piece with financial benefits in mind, rather than enjoyment. What do you think the work will convey about that artist? Exactly: soullessness. The work communicates the creator’s feelings during its creation — anguish, and worry. Your state of being will pour into the text, like it or not.

Contrary to popular belief, the worst fate for an artist is not anonymity but being known as a poor artist. Those who produce bad art and send it out like a madman throwing a dog a bone are in for a nightmare. People will remember a bad book, text, or painting. This is natural. Everybody is judgmental of everything, including your work.

One of the most fundamental aspects of being an artist is preserving your private space. In other words, sell your work, not yourself. Make time for yourself and your family. Travel, have fun, exercise, take care of your health, read good books, and watch good films. Never compromise who you are or what you believe in. Take pride in being a creator. If the work sells, great. Enjoy it. If not, be happy that you created something beautiful and unique. Do the work for the sake of the work itself. What else is there? Otherwise, you will contaminate the soul of the message, which is not pleasant for the audience.

So, you must relax while writing or creating other art. Stressed writers produce bad texts. Writing demands a great deal of concentration and dedication. There simply is no room for anything else during the act of creation. It is just you and your work talking to the universe. Do everything in your power to be heard…



J.R. Silva

Journalist, writer, blogger, painter, dog and movie lover, harmonica player and buddhism enthusiast. I write about the little things in life.