J.R. Silva
3 min readNov 6, 2023


Have you ever had the vague impression, relaxing in the comfort of your home or at work, that idiots are governing you? As if most of the bad things in your life were the work of a hidden (or not even so hidden), sinister, and malevolent force? If the answer is yes, stay with me.

It all starts in childhood when your father or mother asks you to do something that, to them, seems simple and harmless, like swearing under the flag or singing the national anthem. Or even obey orders from your “boss” or “superior” without question. Or any other “authority” or pseudo-authority for that matter. But in reality, they are worthless. No one is worth anything about anything. Nobody really knows anything. They are a bunch of ignorant individuals dressed up as wise people. What is an “authority” if not some idiot wearing a uniform? Or another idiot wearing a jacket or lab coat? These garments are just symbols. Symbols with the sole purpose of enhancing the weakened ego of these clowns who are on the loose in our society, desperately trying to prove that they are better than most other people and that others owe them some respect or credit.

Take politicians, for example, these representations of absolute emptiness, like bubbles of pure space floating around. Let’s imagine the classic politician: a man (or woman) in a suit and tie, who does absolutely nothing but acting for his own benefit.

And don’t tell me that you know a politician who helped you without interest, unless they are your relative. And even relatives let us down from time to time. We can mention cases of politicians who only had a measly vote in the election, that is, not even the unfortunate person’s family trusts him. If not even the family itself voted for the idiot, who can say we will, who don’t even know him or her well? How could we place our trust in some stranger?

Cases like this happen because politics is the system managed by people with the most varied personal, not collective, interests. Okay, not everyone is a monster, and some even do good here and there, especially when the “good” involves benefiting friends and relatives. But the vast majority of politicians are corrupted by the system the moment they enter it, even if they try to do good on their own. No one escapes the bribery tax, everyone receives their fair share. The system is rotten, like an apple that was damaged inside, no matter how cute it looks on the outside. There is no salvation for him.

On the other side of the dichotomy of mediocrity are the priests of various religions, preaching antagonistic and anachronistic things, in the (unfortunately successful) hope of convincing desperate souls in search of relief and salvation. The interest, however, is much more sinister: money.

Churches, as they are human institutions, are as flawed as their human components, no matter how holy they want to appear in the eyes of the “faithful”. And therefore unreliable. The Catholic church is one of the richest in the world in real estate, with assets reaching billions!

Therefore, if you are looking for the truth, you better look elsewhere, never in power- and money-hungry churches, full of dusty pews and greedy priests.



J.R. Silva

Journalist, writer, blogger, painter, dog and movie lover, harmonica player and buddhism enthusiast. I write about the little things in life.